Day 1: The Ring, The Lamen, and Holy Table

I recently began studying and practicing Enochian Magick and decided that it would be useful and informative not only for myself, but for others to chronicle my experiences in the form of this blog.  Enochian Magick is a system of Angelic Magick revealed to John Dee and Edward Kelly in England in the 1500's.  John Dee was prominent scientist, astronomer, astrologer, occultist, and court advisor to Queen Elizabeth I of England. While I may not agree with the Author's conclusion, for a more in depth look at the life and historical scientific, political, and spiritual impact of Dee, I recommend "John Dee and the Empire of Angels" by Jason Louv.    

Enochian Magick is known to be a very powerful form of Angelic Magick that was integrated into the work of The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the later Thelemic practices of Aleister Crowley.   There are some differences in the original practices of Enochian by Dee and those of the Golden Dawn or Thelema, which will be explored and explained in detail later on. 

I have several resources I am working with but for a clear and simple hands on guide to getting started I recommend Enochian Vision Magick  by Lon Milo Duquette. Not only is Lon an acclaimed author on esoteric literature, he has been working with the Enochian system for over 30 years both personally and in group classes.  

Enochian Magick evolves Scrying/Traveling in the 30 Aethyrs or heavens. At each Aethyr, one's consciousness is raised and attuned to the level of Aethyr and thus experiences different visions, contact with Angels, and personal challenges that may lift you up or drag you down thus not allowing you to pass on the the next Aethyr on your path to Godhead for the time being.  While it is possible to Scry the Aeythyrs without preparation or creating temple furniture  (I have previously Scryed the 30-28th Aethyr's ), it generally isn't advised or even ideal. Creating the temple furniture and activating it allows one to tap into the Enochian current and attune oneself to the level of consciousness necessary to proceed.  Enochian requires quite a bit of "stuff" made of different types of materials such as gold, wood, wax, and so on. Duquette as well as some other established Enochian practitioners recommend starting out with paper, poster board, or whatever simple materials you can get your hands on to build furniture with to start out....and then possibly upgrading to the original advised materials later (or even purchasing them online).  

Today I created the Ring, Lamen, and top of the Holy Table out of simple poster board and craft store supplies.  The ring is said to be absolutely necessary by the Angels and was told to be the ring of Solomon and on it is inscribed PELE, which means wonder worker. I made a sketch of it for a local designer and will have a gold plated ring to use by the end of the week :)

The Lamen is said to connect the Magician to the Holy Table, the Microcosm to the Macrocosm.  It contains Enochian letters of the names of Planetary Angels and is to be wear around your neck like a necklace near your breast. I ordered a gold plated Lamen off of this week which I plan to use.

The table itself is quite complex and will take weeks or months to complete in full. However, I did sketch the initial design of the top of table with the appropriate Enochian language. Overall creating these things by hand was an enriching and satisfying experience. I will use them in future sessions and having made them by hand, feel comfortable using the custom gold items I have being made for me since I went through the process already.


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