A Custom Made Golden Ring and Scrying the 29th Aethyr of RII

This past week I had the Enochian Ring crafted by a local Korean designer. It took about 7 days to complete but it was very well done and plated in gold. The Angels insisted to Dee that the Ring was absolutely necessary and they told him to make it of gold.  Although the paper ring worked fine, this handmade ring gave the session more of an "official" feeling. Also, custom made jewelry is just awesome :) 

I started today with a 20 minute meditation and lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram.  I then did the "Ceremony of Preparation"  as outlined in Lon Milo Duquette's  Enochian Vision Magick. In this ceremony the Holy Table is positioned with the Sigillum Dei Aemeth and the seven ensigns of creation surrounding it. The scrying crystal is set upon the Sigillum and the Ring and the Lamen are to be worn.  After a few prayers, I chanted seven complete rounds of the Holy Table's perimeter letters:

Pa Med Fam Med Drux Fam Fam Ur  Ged Graph Drux Med Graph Graph Med Med Or Med Gal Ged Ged Drux

Pa Drux Un Tal Fam Don Ur Graph Don Or Gisg Gon Med Un Ged Med Graph Van Ur Don Don Un

Pa Drux Ur Ur Don Ur Drux Un Med Graph Graph Med Med Graph Ceph Ged Ged Ur Mals Mals Fam Un

Pa Gon Med Un Graph Fam Mals Tal Ur Pa Pa Drux Un Un Van Un Med Un Gon Drux Drux Ur

Next, I chanted seven rounds of the twelve letters of the Holy Table's central square:

Med Gon Gisg, Don Ur Van, Ur Don Ur, Med Med Graph. Med Don Ur Med, Gon Ur Don Med, Gisg Van Ur Graph

Next I chanted one round of the names of the forty-nine angels on the Sigillum Dei Aemeth:

Galas Gethog Thaoth Horlwn Innon Aaoth Galethog

Zaphkiel Zedekiel Cumael Raphael Haniel Michael Gabriel

El Me Ese Iana Akele Azdobon Stimcul

I Ih Ilr Dmal Heeoa Beigia Stumcul

S Ab Ath Izad Ekiei Madimi Esemeli 

E An Ave Liba Rocle Hagonel Ilemes

Sabathiel Zadkiel Madimiel Semeliel Nogahel Corbiel Lavanael

Finally I chanted the Holy Names of the Round Table of Nalvage:

Luah Lang Sach Urch

Iad Moz Zir Iad Bab Zna Iad Sor Gru Iad Ser Osf

This ceremony gave me an intense focus and put me into an almost trance like state one experiences during mantra meditation. It also gave me an intense connection with the Holy Table and the angelic letters that I inscribed on it. 

I then preceded to Scry the 29th Aethyr of Rii

Date - 2020 July 15th - Time: 3:30pm

Experience: The vision again started with my body feeling lighter and lighter as if about to float off. The first thing to appear was an image of Christ on the cross. It then multiplied into several versions which then melted and faded away. It was almost immediately replaced by Buddha in a Tantric form as shown below.

Just as with Christ on the cross, he multiplied into several versions and then faded and melted away. Several other religious figures appeared and followed the same pattern as above. I then proceeded to spiral through a vortex which lead me to a space where an Angelic entity placed his hand upon my forehead. This had an electrifying effect, like getting zapped with a holy current.  This resulted in me being propelled into my head which appeared like a series of beehives or honeycombs. They appeared rotten with dead bees but the current of the angel zapped them to vibrancy and purified them, as if transmuting the energy within and all around them. As I called the governers of Rii: Vastrim, Odraxti, Gomziam - A figure with multiple eyes appeared, another figure that was strong and colorful appeared, and finally one looking something like a hybrid sphyx appeared. All of a sudden we traveled through a seemingly hidden vortex that went up and suddenly flipped directions. As we ascended though, a figure similar to the Greek Goddess Athena grabbed my hand and smiled and then guided me upward as we sped up with a sensation like taking a rocket to outer space.  As with the previous Aethyr of Tex, a rainbow energy pulsated upon me which resulted in a state of bliss. I remained in this state for a while and after several minutes my eye began to itch and I took it as a sign to return. 


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