Scrying the 30th Aethyr of Tex and Additional Temple Preparation

Since the previous post I've been working on creating more of the temple items and furniture via construction paper, poster board, and other arts and crafts supplies. I cut out and attached to foam board the 7 ensigns of creation,  and 5 Sigillum Dei Aemeths. Ever since first seeing the Sigillum Dei Aemeth in Esoteric texts by the Golden Dawn and Crowley years ago, as well as on display at the concerts and shirts of the rock band Tool ( The Drummer Danny Carey is a vocal Enochian Practioner), I've been fascinated by it and wanted to explore it someday. In a future post I'll explore the complexity and beauty of this Sigil. As seen in the photo below, I placed a Black Onyx crystal ball over the main Sigillum Dei Aemeth for the purpose of scrying the Enochian Aethyrs. I picked it up at a crystal shop here in Korea that has the best selection in the country and a very cool lady working there who has run the store for 30 years. She's done custom crystal Jewelry for a lot of Korean celebs (Who's pictures are decked out on the walls of the shop) based on their astrological natal charts and coincidentally for the mayor of Maui, an Island of Hawaii I spent half of my childhood in. I've also had some stuff custom made and ordered some other items that I'll add to future posts and workings. I'm also working on coloring and cutting out the elemental tablets of the watch towers as well as the tablet of union.  

Although not complete, I am focusing on practical work and evolving my equipment as time goes on. I decided to Scry the 30th Aethyr Tex today so will detail the process as well as experienced traveling in the spirit vision in this Aethyr. 

Date - 2020 July 9th  - Time: 4:20pm

I started out with a 20 minute meditation and Pranayama breathing exercise to center myself and achieve a state of calm focus. Next, I did the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram to clear the space for the upcoming work. John Dee emphasized consecration and supplication before doing Angelic work, so I incorporated some of his prayers and incantations received during his work with the Angels.

I sat down and recited one of John Dee's prayers - 
Teach me O creater of all things to have correct knowledge and understanding, for your wisdom is all that I desire. Speak your word in my ear and set you wisdom in my heart.

I also recited a quick incantation while putting on the Ring and Lamen.

Next I recited the call of the 30th Aethyr Tex, Tex is the lowest Aethyr in the Enochian system and can be scryed by reciting the 19th Enochian Call while inserting the world "Tex" on the 3rd word of the 19th call. I also vibrated/invoked the names of the 4 Governers after reciting the call.  I am reading the original Enochian script but there are other perhaps easier ways to pronounce the call such as Crowley's phonetic and almost Italian sounding system which adds vowel sounds in between consonants. Vibrating the names of the Governer's isn't required or even included in the call but has been known to enhance the experience. 

Madriax ds praf {Tex} chis Micaolz saanir caosgo od fisis bal zizras Iaida nonca gohulim Micma adoian MAD I a od Bliorb sa ba ooaona chis Luciftias peripsol ds abraassa noncf netaa ib caosgi od tilb adphaht dam ploz tooat noncf gmi calzoma L rasd tofglo marb yarry I DOI GO od tor zulp ia o daf gohol caosga ta ba ord saanir od christeos yr poil ti ob l Bus dir tilb noaln pa id orsba od dodrmni zylna El zap tilb parm gi pe rip sax od ta qurlst bo o a pi S L nib m ov cho symp od Christeos Ag tol torn mirc q ti ob l Lel, Tom paombd dilzmo aspian, Od christeos Ag L tor torn parach a symp, Cord ziz dod pal od fifalz L s mnad od fargt bams omaoas Conisbra od auauox tonug Ors cat bl noasmi tab ges Leuith mong vnchi omp tilb ors. Bagle Mo o o ah ol cord ziz L ca pi ma o ix o maxip od ca co casb gsaa Baglen pi i tianta a ba ba lond od faorgt teloc vo v im Ma dri iax tirzu o adriax oro cha aboapri Tabaori priaz ar ta bas. A dr pan cor sta dobix Yol cam pri a zi ar coazior. Od quasb q ting Ripir pa a oxt sa ga cor. vm l od prd zar ca crg A oi ve a e cormpt TORZV ZACAR od ZAMRAN aspt sibsi but mona ds surzas tia baltan ODO cicle Qaa Od Ozama plapli Iad na mad.

Ol vinu od Zacam, Ils Gah Taoagla 
Ol vinu od Zacam, Ils Gah Gemnimb
Ol vinu od Zacam, Ils Gah Advorpt
Ol vinu od Zacam, Ils Gah Dozinal

Experience: As I began to scry Tex, I felt a gradual sensation of becoming lighter. It was as if slowly and gradually energy that was weighing down within me was lifted off my shoulders.  An angelic figure then appeared and grabbed my right hand and then left hand which felt very comforting and empowering simultaneously. We then began to travel upward and eventually spiraled around in circles. My body began to feel quite high, a very similar body high to that of Psilocybin mushrooms. Several entities appeared, one looked like the Sauron entity in Lord of the Rings and the others looked more like multi dimensional beings of light. A figure appeared and then began to open a veil within which a golden figure emerged with a lion-like appearance. It started to ascend upward while at the same time, multi-colored rainbow light was descending.  This rainbow light energy was like a gift that brought a feeling of warmth and bliss and I remained in that space until feeling that it was time to come back. I returned feeling high and with a heightened state of awareness.


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