Scrying the 26th Aethyr of Des

 It's been a while to post due to moving, traveling, and other work projects but I have plenty to share for now and future posts.  I recently picked up some great Enochian material that I'd highly recommend. First of all for those interested in history and and development of the Enochian system and Dee himself, The Spiritual Diaries of Dr. John Dee (Stephen Skinner) is an absolute gem that includes much of what wasn't translated in previous publications. Another amazing scholar of the Western Grimoire Tradtion by the name of Joseph Peterson published the actual revelations of the system and original source books of Enochian practice under the title John Dee's Five Books of Mystery. For any serious practitioner, both are absolutely necessary for your library and reference. 

To transition from the historic sources to modern practice, The Enochian Magick Toolbook by Jason Augustus Newcomb is an amazingly assembled personal ritual book or "Liber Spiritum" for Enochian practice. Not only does it include scripts for scrying the Aethyrs, but it also includes an amazingly laid out and organized ritual script for the Mystical Herpatchia. This is one of the least explored area in the Enochian system but the rituals and instructions along with the sigils are laid out brilliantly in this book. there are also color diagrams for the tools you need for Enochian Magick, which make it very useful for practice at home or while traveling. 

Finally, David Shoemaker's book The Wind's of Wisdom - Visions from the Thirty Enochian Aethyrs is a modern account of scrying the Aethyrs. While Crowley's account of scrying the Aethyrs in the vision and the voice is epic and amazing in many ways, this book takes a more gradual approach - incorporating modern Psychology and a softer more balanced approach to working through the system. For anyone scrying the Aethyrs it's a nice supplemental read.

Now into the 26th Aethyr of Des....

Date: 9/19/2020

Time: 4:40 PM

Preparation - Meditation -LBRP -  Middle Pillar - Prayer of John Dee

I used Jason Augustus Newcomb's Enochian Aethyr Call Mp3 and vibrated the name of the Aethyr and  Governors directly.  The vision started with galactic Marvel-like figures with fiery neon eyes approaching me from multiple directions. This faded out to a vision of a wizard that was looking over the Earth with a gem in his hands, that slowly shape shifted into a crystal ball. Upon further examination the crystal ball was in the shape and appearance of  the Yin and Yang symbol of Taoism. As I witnessed this, I felt as though the dualistic forces within me began to merge and unite.  I then looked down at the Earth and witnessed scenes of destruction, chaos, and violence that was spreading around the globe.  However, the scene gradually transformed into brilliant light with angelic figures appearing who began to tell me that everything is fine, easing my concerns. The told me both visions were natural, one in the same, counterbalancing forces working together - a big wave of relief washing over my body, mind and soul as they spoke these words and it made complete sense. I then moved my gaze upwards and saw a large glittery crystal with crystalline beings emerging from it. The energy they omitted was soothing and blissful as they shoot multicolor fractal energy into my body and lifted me up. The vision ended shortly after and I returned to document the experience while feeling more whole within.


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