The 25th and 24th Aethyr

It's been a while again to update the blog! I started a podcast at the beginning of the year that you can check out here on YouTube! I included 2 Aethyrs in this post as the write up on the 24th is quite short.

The 25th Aethyr of Vti 

1/2/2021 - 10:47pm 

Prep - Meditation/Pranayama

           LBRP/Middle Pillar

            Dee's Oration

            Enochian Call 1 and 2

This was the first time using calls 1 and 2 to activate the angels of the tablet of union and amplify or enhance the experience. Some practitioners claim that Call 1 and 2 are related to invocation and evocation.  Other's consider them amplifiers and openers to ritual.  That being said I did notice a difference in setting the way for the operation by using these calls.

The vision started with a single powerful angel in view, it was next to something like a rocket ship, I felt a sensation of taking off - like an intense version of rising on the planes. As I began to shoot upward, various angelic figures began to weave in and out of my peripheral vision.  Various Enochian words in the angelic script began to weave in and out of my being in concentric circles. I noticed a circle on the ground that contained myriads of angels.  I entered an energy field which then raised by vibration several octaves, I looked up and saw an animal that seemed to represent my carnal desires, pleasures, and so on.  An entity spoke to me and said that these things are not bad as long as one is able to consciously control one's actions and stay mindful rather than be controlled by them.  I was told that if one wants to enter higher Aethyrs, one would need need to let go of certain behavioral and thought loops and keep a steady state of awareness. As this message was delivered to me, a being shooting down lightening-like energy appeared and this lightening seemed to shatter several spheres in the vicinity.  These spheres seem to be made of lead and to represent the lower-ego and lower-nature.  More swirling figures of various animals appeared around me and the angels shot out an energy into me that seemed to balance out my consciousness and transmute the lower tendencies.  A lion figure with a serpent tail appeared in the clouds and told me the vision was complete.

3/8/2021 - The 24th Aethyr of Nia

Prep - same as above

An energy of rising vibration, a sudden dog-like creature appears. He begins to eat my body and tear it to shreds.  More bat and snake-like entities appear and do the same.  A refined version of myself is lifted out of the ashes and a powerful angel - fractal and multi-dimensional in appearance continues the above process using lava/lightening and other means in order to melt away layers while a refined version of me emerges.  The negative energy and patterns that I am clinging to disappear and I enter a space of light and peace after this repeating rollercoaster of refinement. The vision ends. 


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