Scrying the 22nd Aethyr of Lin
6/27/2022 Roughly 3:00pm Korea Time It's been a while to work with Enochian and scry the Aethyrs but I have recently felt drawn back to scrying some more Aethyrs and doing some more work the Enochian entities. I have been doing a lot of Tantric Buddhist practices and was also curious how a syncretic approach would pan out when scrying the Aethyrs. I started by doing a prepartory Dzogchen practice that focuses on calming the mind and achieveing a state of meditative absorbtion accompanied by bliss. After around 20 minutes of this, I performed the Middle pillar and LBRP. I then proceeded to do the call of the 22nd Aethyr. Various shapes along with entities began to appear all around me and melt. I began to see various Buddhist dieties as well as Hindu dieities along with other beings swirl around me and melt into what may have been an octagon or dodecahedron. This platonic solid began to vibrate and move in various ways revealing different perspectives and views which appear